Detailed Advance Agenda
Tuesday, July 16
Morning Plenary
8:30 AM
Mr. David Blee
President & CEO
U.S. Nuclear Industry Council
The Honorable Bud Albright
Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Industry Council &
CEO, Albright Strategies &
U.S. Under Secretary of Energy (2006-2008)
8:45 AM
The Global Market and Policy Landscape
The Honorable Jeffrey Merrifield
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1998 - 2007)
Chair USNIC Advanced Reactors Task Force
9:15 AM
Congressional Keynote
The Honorable Lisa Murkowski
U.S. Senator, Alaska
Chairman, Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources
9:45 AM
U.S. Department of Energy Keynote
The Honorable Rita Baranwal
Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
Panel: Financial Perspectives on Advanced Nuclear
Mr. Steven Greenwald
Senior Advisor
Credit Suisse
Mr. Michael Eckhart
Managing Director
Mr. James Magowan
Managing Director for Private Capital Raising
Growth Capital Services
11:15 AM
Panel: C-Suite Perspective: Advanced Nuclear as a Game Changer
Mr. John Hopkins
Chairman & CEO
NuScale Power
The Honorable Clay Sell
Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Marcia Burkey
Chief Financial Officer
12:00 PM
Afternoon Plenary
1:00 PM
Why Advanced Nuclear is Changing the Financing Paradigm
Ms. Valerie Gardner
Founding Principal and Managing Partner
Nucleation Capital, LP
1:30 PM
The Speed of Change and What's Driving It
Mr. Peter Kelly-Detwiler
NorthBridge Energy Partners
2:00 PM
Decarbonization, Electrification and Innovation
Ms. Damali Harding
Oracle | Opower
2:30 PM
Venture Capital 2.0
Dr. Sanjiv Malhotra
Chief Executive Officer
PLUS and AUI Ventures
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
Panel: C-Suite - Advanced Nuclear: What Needs to be Done
The Honorable Daniel Poneman
President & CEO
Centrus Energy
Mr. Jay Wileman
President and CEO
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH)
Mr. Donald Wolf
Chairman, CEO & Co-Founder
Advanced Reactor Concepts LLC (ARC)
4:00 PM
Export-Import Bank of the United States Perspective
Mr. Jim Cruse
Senior Vice President, Office of Policy Analysis and International Relations
Export-Import Bank of the United States
4:30 PM
DOE Loan Programs Office Perspective
Mr. Douglas Schultz
Director of Origination, Loan Programs Office
U.S. Department of Energy
5:00 PM
View from the States: Plant Vogtle Expansion
The Honorable Tim Echols
Vice Chairman
Georgia Public Service Commission
NNC2019 Reception Sponsored by Pillsbury
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP (1200 Seventeenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036)
Wednesday, July 17
8:30 AM
The New U.S. International Development Finance Corporation
Mr. Edward Burrier *
Vice President, External Affairs
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
9:00 AM
The Smart and Renewable Energy Transition, Trends and Insights for Advanced Nuclear
Mr. Hendrik Tiesinga
Chief Strategy Officer
New Energy Nexus
9:30 AM
Panel: Automation, Advanced Manufacturing Innovation, Hybrid Advanced Nuclear Systems, and Advanced Fuels
Dr. Jonathan Cirtain
President of Advanced Technology Programs
BWX Technologies
Mr. Rich Powell
Executive Director
Mr. Seth Grae
President & CEO
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
The Promise of Micro-Reactors
Ms. Caroline Cochran
Founder and COO
Oklo Inc.
11:15 AM
Capital Raising for Advanced Nuclear
Mr. Bret Kugelmass
Managing Director
Energy Impact Center
Mr. Brad McPherson
Manager of Business Development for NB Power and
Director of Business for the New Brunswick Energy Solutions Corporation
12:00 PM
Panel: Public-Private Partnership
Dr. Corey McDaniel
Vice President, Business Development
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Mr. Douglas Schultz
Director of Origination, Loan Programs Office
U.S. Department of Energy
Mr. Walter Howes
Managing Director
Verdigris Capital
* Pending final confirmation